Dr. Phil Kearney - Self-Healing In Inner Awareness
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In Inner Awareness
Achieving Emotional Harmony
Alleviating Physical Disorders
Relieving Stress By Preventing Stress
Women's Innate Physical Wisdom
Healing After Abuse, Rape & Other Trauma
Creating Wonderful Personal Change
Restoring & Enhancing Natural Sexuality
Enhancing Eyes & Vision
Enjoying Self-Healing
Spirit & Knowing
Innovative Self-Healing
Women's Innate Physical Wisdom

Many modern women know intuitively that there is a unique wisdom within their bodies which, when followed, helps them to maintain the best possible health. As a result, women are now using self-healing in inner awareness to access and then utilize that inner wisdom to help alleviate illnesses that continue to reoccur, health disorders that never fully heal, and physical difficulties that are unresponsive to conventional treatments. A woman's health is improved with self-healing because it allows her to access the intuitive knowledge & deeper functions of her mind, feelings, and inner spirit. Most women have a sense that the Body will never heal when one's deepest Feelings are in turmoil. As much as 90 % of unhealed, persistent or recurring feminine disorders are caused, prolonged, or strongly affected by unresolved stress, repressed emotional disharmony, and mental discomfort. Self-healing in inner awareness heals those difficulties & thus effectively contributes to the resolution of persistent menstrual disorders, reoccurring gynecologic problems, chronic pelvic pain, severe PMS, uncomfortable menstruation, irregular monthly cycles, sexual discomfort, the development of breast cancer and cysts, reduced fertility, frequent miscarriages, difficult pregnancies, and much, much more. The doctor's self-healing in inner awareness, used to improve women's disorders, was inspired by the exceptional work of obstetrician, gynecologist & therapist David B. Cheek, M.D., coauthor of "Mind-Body Therapy".

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