Dr. Phil Kearney - Self-Healing In Inner Awareness
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About "Dr. Phil"
Cleaning Out The Barn
- A Metaphor
Duration of Self-Healing Therapy
Office Visits
Professional Fees
Patients' Endorsements
& Recommendations
Personal History Form
Professional Fees

Since the actual number of office visits required varies a lot from person to person, there is no way to accurately predict how many visits will be necessary. We expect everyone to achieve excellent results. Self-healing in inner awarenes is very effective and improvement occurs in a relatively short period of time. Follow-up visits to monitor the individuals progress are scheduled weekly in the beginning, followed by biweekly visits later in the course of healing. Typically individuals complete all of their inner healing in 3-5 months. Each patient accepted into the healing program must expect to schedule at least 6 followup visits. Depending on the extent of healing, more visits mat be beneficial. A credit card number must be given to guarantee payment for the first appointment, & to cover any missed appointments. Again, we require 48 hours notice for any appointments that cannot be kept. The current fee for a routine professional visit is $75.00. Payment is made by the patient for each office session at the time of the visit by cash, check or credit card.

Occasionally some individuals may not be able to afford all the office that are necessary for complete healing. We recommend to these patients that they do sessions in "6 visit" intervals and save the full amount of money ahead of time for at least 6 sessions. Individuals with a very serious or threatening illness may require 2-3 or more visits per week, and these individuals, when necessary, may arrange a payment schedule with the doctor at the first visit.

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